Thursday, December 18, 2008
Jet Lagged and Dehydrated
On my flight from SF to Dallas, I met a girl who travelled in South America during the same time Jane and I did. It turns out that she is best friends with a couple American girls I met in BA six months ago. Crazy isn't it? Sometimes the world is small.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Double Album
Aimee Mann-Wise Up. Hmmmm. This reminds me of my cousin Peter who, for lack of a better term, is weird. There were some facts that were made apparent to me later which explains much about his behavior. In any case he reminds me of a character from a Paul Thomas Anderson movie. Except the story doesn't have any closure after two hours and there is no end in sight.
Honorable mention:
James Bond Theme by the guy who wrote the James Bond Theme.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Travelling Alone and Random Things
Some random thoughts.
The perfect number for travelling in a group is four. Any more and you introduce many extra variables to deal with. For one thing, getting a taxi for four is easy and so is finding accommodations in the same place. Once you make that number six or more, it becomes way harder. It also helps to get group discounts on tours and other activities.
I have made a list of the four types of people which would be ideal to travel with.
1. The all around outdoorsman-Knowledgabe in many outdoor activities such as camping, diving, rock climbing, kayaking, skiing, etc. should be able to identify quality equipment and therefore reliable tour companies. Able to perform emergency first aid if required. Good with naviagation (map and compass).
2. The doctor/pharmacist-You need drugs for that insect bite? Did you eat something bad? Did you get bit by a monkey? Well having a doctor around is reassuring that's for sure.
3. The linguist-Communications expert. Able to negotiate with locals to help get out of difficult situations.
The last one can be picked from the remaining selections depending on where you are going and the purpose of your trip.
4. The Foodie- Expert on regional cuisine.
5. The Mechanic/Engineer- Able to fix any motorized vehicle or able to build a car out of spare parts.
6. The Entertainer/Musician- Someone who can keep the group entertained. Knowledge of card game and magic tricks a plus.
7. The Bouncer- Strictly for security.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Dudes who look like Moby
One thing I noticed when in southern Thailand is how many European guys look like Moby. It is a common look (shaved head, geometrical shaped glasses). I should have made note of it earlier to take pictures of everyone and maybe even start my own website, unless someone beat me to it.
I won't have too much to write about over the next couple days, so I'll just write about random things which pop into my head.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monkey Pox Outbreak
We took a cruiser for a sunset tour around Phi Phi Don and Phi Phi Lei. The first stop was Monkey Beach. We were told that at least one person gets bitten by a monkey on every trip. And wouldn't you know it, Yu was attacked as she sat on the beach. It wasn't her fault though. One of the monkeys became aggravated by another tourist who was feeding it bananas. When monkeys attack, they do not do it one at a time, it is like a frenzy. She didn't appreciate me joking about being quarantined for some monkey disease. From there we went to Malay bay where The Beach was filmed. We found out that you can camp there, so I'm going to keep that in mind the next time I go. The beach was beautiful, and it would be so nice to have it all to yourself.
The next morning we hiked up to the lookout to see the two beaches of Phi Phi Don. It was a perfect morning to see the island. Phi Phi Don has two hills connected by a stretch of beach where most of the people stay. It is hard to imagine that nearly all of the buildings on the stretch were wiped out four years ago. After that, we went to the beach to rent a kayak for an hour. It was a lot of work, but nice to be on the water. I almost took Yu back to Monkey beach to get some payback, but we were short on time. I wish I would have had another day on Phi Phi. Maybe another day of diving would have been good. After a full day, we took the ferry back to Krabi to catch the overnighter back to Bangkok.
Krabi and the Superday
Krabi was described to me as one of those places you go if you want to escape the crowds of Phuket. It is true is some way, but you get the feeling that Krabi is growing faster than the current infrastructure allows. Proof by the fact there is a McDonalds, Burger King, and Starbucks. As with most places here, you don't stay in Krabi town. You stay at one of the beaches around the towns. I picked Ao Nang beach to stay for a couple days and wait for Yu to meet me before heading to Koh Phi Phi. Ao Nang beach is not as nice as Karon beach in Phuket, but the atmosphere is much more relaxed. From Krabi, you can join a number of tours which take you to surrounding islands for sightseeing, kayaking, elephant trekking, etc.
I decided to sign us up for the James Bond island tour in Phang Nga Bay. I had the feeling that this would be a bit overrated, but it was okay (still overpriced though). It is funny how a franchise like James Bond can draw huge crowds. I'm glad I did this tour just to check it off the list. If I opted for something different, I would have always wondered how good it would have been. The next day, we signed up for the SUPERDAY dive. The SUPERDAY consists of three dives which include King Cruiser (wreck), Shark Point, and Anemone Reef. Although the wreck dive was at 30 meters, I felt really comfortable at that depth. This time I was able to see the leopard sharks and ghost pipe fish. One of the sharks actually swam circles around us in a playful manner. It was quite exciting. Yu was able to take some great pictures and a short video of the shark. I am wondering if what I am seeing on these dives is normal, or if this is really good stuff. The only way to find out is to dive some place else and see for myself.
I will post some pictures once I get the underwater ones from Yu.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Life Aquatic With Sam Wu
I'll likely continue to dive next week to solidify my skill and technique.
Now all I need is a red beanie and a speedo.
Due to the large number of Europeans here in Phuket, I have a myriad of euro restaurants to choose from. My stomach still seems to not take Thai food well after the bus ride, so I opted for some western style food this time. Wouldn't you know it! There is a Swiss Roesti house just 100 meters from my guest house! I ordered the Karon Roesti which is like the Zurich style with veal medallions and Asian mushroom cream sauce. It is sitting a lot better with me than the Thai food. I have also added some probiotics as well as an additional countermeasure for any bugs I may have picked up.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It took me four days to complete the trip, but at least I'm here. The bus ride down to Phuket was one of those trips where we had to make a number of transfers at different points to get to your specific destination. The overnighter wasn't bad, but there was no food so I had to snack on some dried fruit and biscuits on the way down. I sat next to an English guy who let me borrow his horseshoe shaped neck pillow during the ride. I will never make fun of those ridiculous looking pillows ever again. Those things are awesome! Armed with the pillow, eye shields, and ear plugs, I was able to sleep fairly well on the way down. In all the trip was 18 hours long. When I arrived at the guesthouse, it was closed for renovation. I took the next best option (which is not bad by the way) at the Pineapple Guesthouse at Karon Beach. I have a single room with private bath and aircon for 700 Baht. More than what I originally wanted to pay, but based on my bus ride, I justified the cost.
The first day of my scuba course is finished. I checked a couple companies and went with Dive Asia. As soon as I found out that the owners of the shop were Swiss, I signed up (almost said the only Swiss German word I know too. You know, to get some cred). You can always count of a Swiss run company to be a quality outfit when traveling abroad. They also gave me the best deal. Unfortunately, I have developed a slight cough with some congestion this week. It is not enough to prevent me from diving, but I need to give my body time to rest. Tomorrow will be the open water dive portion off of two islands. I'm sure it will be just beautiful.
Here are a couple pictures. The beach is like Zoloft for the soul.
I would also like to add that if you are going to have someone do a 200 meter swim and 7 minute float test. DON'T ask them to do it 15 minutes after eating a large bowl of Pad Thai. I had the unsavoury experience of tasting my lunch twice this afternoon. And I think I swam 300 instead of 200 meters.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I was late getting a ticket to Phuket. Everything was booked going south yesterday so I have lost a day here in Bangkok. That is okay. Yu and I went to a Japanese restaurant for my birthday which was better than the initial plan (box lunch on an overnight bus). The last two weeks are all planned out now. I won't be traveling too far once I get to Phuket. Yu will meet me in Krabi the last week for some rock climbing and kayaking. We should be able to get a few dives in at Ko Phi Phi. I suspect that budget accommodations will be hard to find in Ko Phi Phi, but perhaps we'll get lucky with the lack of people coming into Thailand and get a good deal at a nice place. I also told Yu that we need to go to Tony Romas (It's the place for ribs ya know) for my last meal. It is somewhat of a tradition to go to that restaurant in every capital city I visit.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Germans love David Hasselhof
Due to the protests and the closing of the Bangkok airport, I took an early bus from Siem Reap to Bangkok. The drive reminded me of South America coming from Bolivia to Peru. The road was absolutely shit heading to the border from Siem Reap (one flat tire on the way). However, once across into Thailand, it was smooth sailing in an air conditioned mini-van on nicely sealed multi-lane roads. In all the trip was 14 hours and I was cashed by the end.
Still monitoring the situation here. I'll likely get on an overnighter (bus) to Phuket tonight. There are flights coming into a military base about 140 K from Bangkok, but I hear it is a real zoo down there. Khao San Road seems to be business as usual with the nightlife still going strong. I suppose it wouldn't be a complete backpacking trip without some sort of major problem. I'm looking forward to chilling on the beach and getting my PADI certification. Hopefully the airports will open up by the time I want to leave.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Siem Reap and the Temples of Ankor
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yep. Still hate it
After a shower and some time to relax, I figured I would give the city another try. How better to start than going to the Tuol Sleg Genocide Museum. Quite a somber place, but a must see if you are in Cambodia. If that wasn't enough, I deepened my depression by following it up with a trip to the Killing Fields at Choeung Ek. I was reminded of going to the Dachau concentration camp in Germany when I was in high school. However, back then, all I was worried about was finding a remedy for my hangover. This time, it seemed to hit a bit closer to home especially since it happened during my lifetime.
After lunch at a trendy corner bar, I hit the National Palace and the Silver Pagoda. Virtually everything I intended on seeing in the city was covered in one day. There are a few things I have noticed about the city since my arrival.
1. I think there are 5 traffic lights in the entire town. You should see the intersections here! It's MENTAL!
2. Construction everywhere. Apparently there is a huge undertaking to help keep the capital from flooding. The riverside is all dug up and it doesn't look pretty.
3. No need to exchange money since prices here are quoted in USD.
The new guesthouse gave me what I think is a table cloth as a bed sheet. Sure it covers the bed, but it IS a tablecloth (one made of synthetic material which is like sleeping under a garbage bag).
I spent this afternoon in the US embassy adding pages to my passport. I can't believe I'm on my last page. Those Asian visas take up a lot of space. If you do this overseas, the service is free. If you do this at home, it will cost you $60 USD. I took some shit for the guy at the counter for the condition of my passport. It is beat to hell, but what do you expect? It has been tucked inside the front of my pants for the better half of 5 months!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Holiday in Cambodia
The suffering!
After checking in, Yu and I did our usual city walk to see the highlights the town had to offer. Unlike the previous towns, Vientiane is a bit larger so it took a bit longer to reach certain places. On top of that, the sun was just scrambling my brains that entire afternoon. I had enough after a few hours and hired a tuk tuk driver to get us back to our air conditioned room (which was ice cold since I cranked the air con before leaving). After a nice nap, we had a relaxing dinner on one of the many restaurants at the edge of the Mekong. There must be a row of at least 10 different restaurants all serving the same menu and all have large decks along the river. Its a crap shoot! Just pick one!
Laos has been a pleasant surprise for me on this trip. Just think that I almost considered skipping it (due to reasons I may rant about later). Even though I went the well travelled route, the trip made me want to come back to see more. I'll be sure to hit the southern part of the country in the future. If one comes to SE Asia, Luang Prabang is a must see. And come quick because by the way it looks, other parts of Laos will be completely changed in a few years.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Vang Vieng and the Rave
As I woke up during the bus ride from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng I thought to myself "Am I in Bolivia?" The 7 hour trip left my head in a throbbing state which I would not be able to shake for a couple days. What was similar between Bolivia and Laos bus trips is that the scenery IS excellent and the roads are shit. The scenery is much different, but just as beautiful. Instead of the high desert and mountains, you have stone out cropping rising out of rolling green jungles.
Vang Vieng is a small village along side the Nam Song river. It is a great place to take a break and enjoy a cold Beer Lao outside your bungalow. The town is an excellent stop for kayaking, rock climbing, trekking, etc. The most popular activity must be the tubing. Imagine a cool clear river moving at a leisurely pace with a stretch bars about every 100 meters. The music coming from these bars makes the entire valley sound like a giant rave. Great if you are a 20 something English kid on his gap year, but tiresome if you are an old fart like me. Anyway, Yu and I booked a combo Kayak and cave trek with Green Discovery tours. They were excellent for us in Luang Prabang, so we decided to go with them again.
The tour started with a short lesson on kayaking, then off we went. Within the first 50 meters, I managed to tip the boat over and dump Yu in the river (I guess I should have paid more attention to the lesson). We got the hang of it after a while, stopped for a hike into the first cave. I knew that we were going to see the cave, but I didn't think we were going to hike through it. I'm glad we hired a guide. After some more kayaking and treking, we returned back to Vang Vieng all sunburned and tired. My headache still lingering from the day before.
The next morning I looking in the mirror and to my surprise, I had what looked to be the aftermath of an accute alergic reaction. I'm thinking it was an insect bite or sting. I doubt the pizza I had the night before could have done that. I'm taking some antihystamine which I hope will clear things up.
One last thing about Vang Vieng. Every bar/restaurant has "Friends" on TV. I MEAN IT IS EVERYWHERE. As if a truck load of bootleg Friends TV series DVDs broke down next to the town and was looted.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mission Accomplished
I wish there was more time to spend on this leg of the journey. We did visit the main attractions around Lunag Prabang including the Pak Ou caves and Kwansi Waterfall. We even climbed to the top of Phu Si to see the sunset (reminds me of watching the sunset at Lake Titicaca). Overall it was a good visit and we need to move on if we are going to make it to Vientiane by Saturday.
Some lessons learned when travelling in Laos:
20K kip entrance fee everywhere.
They don't tell you that you need a flash light (by the way, the guy at the door rents them for 5000 kip).
Sloooooooow service.
They love the TV series Friends!
I have made a few plane ticket reservations to get my butt down to Phuket from Seam Reap, but I'm missing the Bangkok to Phuket leg. It is high season and many flights are already booked. I'm a bit nervous about finding cheap accommodations in Phuket, but I'm sure it will all work out. Taking the bus to Vang Vieng tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Luang Prabang
Schedule three days in this town and you will stay for a week. That is a good way to describe Luang Prabang.
We scrambled around for about an hour until we found a cheap but nice guest house on the bank of the Nam Khan river. After dropping our packs, we went out to check the night market and main street. The place is wonderful! Small enough to feel secluded, but large enough to have the infrastructure to support the huge number of tourists. Again, I seem to be one of the few Americans. Most are from Europe with a good mix from Oz. At the end of the evening, Yu and I planned out the net few days and set up some tours with one of the agencies. The town has a really easy going feeling and if you are not careful, you can easily waste a day sipping cocktails at the side of the Mekong with a cool breeze rustling through the palm trees. The net day we planned on waking up at 6 AM to give offerings to the monks.
The Mighty Mekong
Pak Benk is a small village with a main street running up from the bank about 200 meters. There is no electricity, but generators keep the place running. Everything turns off at 10 PM. We soon discovered that things in Laos run at a much slower rate that what one may be used to. You must schedule at least and hour extra for dinner. This led to some worry some moments before catching the boat onward. I highly suggest that you take the slow boat if travelling to Luang Prabang. However, bring a good book and a good cushion since most of the seats are just benches. If you are really late for the boat you may end up sleeping on a pile of backpacks in the engine room. Eventually we made it to Luang Prabang safe and well rested. Looking forward to seeing the town and the scenery.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Back into the swing of things
Chiang Mai Moonlight Madness

I have decided to buy another suitcase when I return to Bangkok and stuff it with a ton of junk before leaving home.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Chill day
I have noticed that I am not in drinking shape anymore. I'm a lightweight to begin with, but since Switzerland, I haven't been doing too much drinking other than the ten day bender when Jon met me in Argentina. I had a couple beers with Greg in HK and my liver gave me that "Who you talking about Willis" feeling.
Also, since Hong Kong, my camera has been acting up. This comes at a very bad time since I'm headed into the meat of my Asia travels.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Wats Up?
I arrived in Bangkok without issue and met Yu at the airport. Yu is a friend of an old TI colleague and will be traveling with me for a couple weeks (she is local which will help with the logistics). We arrived at Lamphu House where I was able to get a room for about $10 per night. The place is backpacker central just off of Kao San road. She showed me how to use the public transportation so I could get around on my own. Since it was the weekend, we went to the JJ market. The market is huge and you can actually find good stuff. We spent about 2 hours in the market and only saw about 1/3 of the shops. It will be one of those places I return to just before leaving back to the states. Ended up buying a few shirts at the second hand country western store anyway.
I thought that Taiwan was cheap, but Bangkok has proved to be the cheapest place to eat so far. My first lunch here cost me just over $1. There are plenty of tourist attractions near the guesthouse. I have had one of those long days where you try to see as much stuff as possible in the shortest amount of time. My legs are beat and I'm dehydrated. I was able to see the grand palace, Wat Prakaew, Wat Pho, and Wat Arun. My camera got a ton of use this afternoon. Most all of the Wats look like they were just unwrapped from the packaging. Everything looks so new and shiny. It is a shame that these places are not open at night. The lighting at these places puts another dimension to their beauty.
Found the USB port. Enjoy the few pics.