Thursday, January 17, 2008

Man Down!

Traing day #4. The affects of the flu are now starting to become apparent. My appetite has been poor for the last two days and I'm having significant problems on the mountain. I had to come back to the flat early today to recover. Apparently I was shaking and according to Duddly "Looked rather rotten." The rest of the boys went to the other side into Italy in the afternoon. I hope all of this fatigue is due to the flu and not my age. At least half of the snowboards are smokers. It is really wierd seeing people smoke on the mountain at 3300 meters elevation.

It became very apparent in the past few days that the training will be very intense. Everyday there is a different lesson and we ride all friggin day. The weekends will be nice since we don't have to ride.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

grow some balls old man!