Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Gappers

There are 18 total people in the program. Only four of us are non-gappers. The gappers are those who are taking time off between highschool and university (uni). There is a distinct difference in who the skiers and snowboarders are. All of the girls are skiers and only a small fraction of the guys are. The rest of the snowboarders are your typical 18 year old punks with the exception of one guy who is 34 years old. I have kept my age a secret because I'm over 2X the age of 80% of the people. Nearly all of the folks in this program are from the UK and what I can gather, all of the gappers come from familes with a lot of money. No funny stories yet, but we are still feeling each other out. Tomorrow morning is the first day on the mountain and we have had a ton of snow.
Pictures of our flat and inside with my roommate Jane.

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