Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alishan Forest

I have not had computer access in a while, so I'm doing a data dump here.
After climbing Jade Mountain, we stopped in Alishan National Park. I convinced the guide that I wanted to see the sunrise the next morning. It would be another early start (4:30 AM this time). You would think that such an early start would deter people, but the sunrise train is very popular and is one of the main attractions of the park. All of the people were funneled through the gates of the train station to the various viewing sites. A perfectly good sunrise was then ruined by sales men talking loudly on megaphones. I'm fairly certain that they were advertising local produce like teas and such. WHY AT 6:00 AM!? I spent the rest of the day walking through the forest, checking out huge thousand year old cypress trees. This place was beautiful and is a must see destination if visiting Taiwan.

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