Monday, June 23, 2008

Arrived safe in La Paz

The three of us were able to leave Potosi on Saturday and we made it to Oruro without any problems. The drive through the mountains was beautiful. Jane and I parted ways with Justine in Oruro and took the next bus to La Paz. The view of the city as we entered was amazing. The city is quite large and it looked as if someone peppered the valley with a million lights. We got situated in our new hostel (which is gringoville) and perpared to see the city the next morning.

It seems like we have not done much except for eating, sleeping, and waiting for the past couple days. The good thing is that these activities are cheap. I don't think we have spent more than $120 in the past week. It is really nice to go to a place where you can actually do something. So, Jane and I went to our first cutural event in La Paz...Cholitas Wrestling!!!! We have VIP seating and got to see Bolivian WWF at it's best. I hope to post pics sometine soon.

Today, we are going to look for a pampa or jungle tour and book a ride down the worlds most dangerous road. What fun!!!!!

One last thing. Jane and I went high dollar for dinner last night. We went to the top floor of the Radisson Hotel and had an excellent meal for $12. This is 3X the normal amount we have been paying for meals, but it is still cheap. The views of the city from the top floor were spectacular (highly reccommended).

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