Monday, February 4, 2008

These Days

Maybe it is the snow or that I've been away for a while.I can't get the first two songs from the Royal Tenenbaums out of my head.

"111 Arthur Avenue" by Mark Mothersbaugh
"These Days" by Nico

I imagine myself moving in slow motion through the streets of Zermatt on my way to the bakery. Those of you who know Wes Anderson will know what I'm talking about.

We completed the two day first aid training today. Tomorrow is the start of backcountry/avalanch training. looking forward to charging some off piste runs.

Pablo watch 1/6- He missed the first day of instructor shadowing (all of us are supposed to shadow classes for 70 hours). Sunday night, he went to the schnee Wittchen and had the viking (a boat of six shots). Some of the guys found him outside the apartment (yes. that's out in the snow) with his pants down around his ankles. We think that he thought he was back in his room. Good thing someone found him and put him to bed. This morning, he managed to run into Emma causing her to crash and lose a ski. Emma is 5'1" and about 95 pounds. She is okay and everyone is taking my advice to stay away from Pablo.

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