Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tapas with Picasso

Spain! What a relief! June and I had a ton of delays trying to get to Barcelona from Milan. Once here, we had sort of a relaxed feeling. The city (or at least where we are staying) seems very lively. There is also the added sense of security which comes with speaking the language. Our first dabble with the language came at the tapas place recommended in the guide book near our hostel. The food which is so different than what we had in Italy seemed just as good if not better.

Barcelona itself has such a lively feel. I already prefer the mix in architecture and art compared to Italy. Spain has a better mix of old and more contemporary art compared to what I saw in Italy. June is doing a little bit more shopping than me on this trip. I think she is picking up a new pair of shoes in each town we visit. I may pick up a few things in Madrid before going home.

June has found a few special freebies for museum entries, so we are saving a few bucks here and there. It is also nice that she has had a lot of knowledge about aart history, so she can enlighten me about specific styles for each artist we see. For example, everyone is familiar with Picasso's cubist style, but remember that he was a classicaly trained artists, so his earlier works include standard portraits and and landscapes. Some of his sketches were a bit out there and sexually charged, but all in all you see the progression until the work he is best known for today.

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