Thursday, August 14, 2008

Farewell South America.....for Now

What a close to an adventure. The feeling that I had getting on the plane in Buenos Aires was bittersweet. I'm sure it was time for me to go home, but I felt as if I was leaving something very familiar and going to something quite foreign. For months I had been living out of a backpack and moving from place to place seeing new things everyday. Every element of my travels varied. From weather to people to setting to language, it was all sort of new and exciting. I think Jon may have been worried that I would not get on the plane with him to go home. Now I'm back in Texas trying to sort out all of the admin duties (like paying off traffic tickets from April). I would much rather be sitting on a Bolivian bus stuck at a blockade at 3 AM, no heat, and a large woman sleeping with all of her belongings in the aisle next to me.

Early on in the trip, I decided to extend my travels to include places in Asia which I have and have not seen already. Jane was right. One year off can easily turn into one and a half. I hope that the next leg of my travels brings me as much enjoyment and learning as this last one. Patagonia still beckons and you can bet that I will be back boots-n-all.


Unknown said...

Is that cloud above the boots a metaphor for the stench of not changing your socks for 3 months?

btgator said...

Welcome back to Dallas! Have to do dinner and cathc up! Restaurant week on till end of August at alot of places!