Thursday, August 7, 2008

Patagonia in Winter

Jon is getting aquainted with overnight busses now. We left BA in a rush getting in our last bottle of wine before leaving. We have been on a gastronomic blow out since his arrival. With BA in the rear view mirror the excitement started to build. It would be the first time for me in Patagonia and I was hoping to see something spectacular every day. Morning came and we both looked out the window to see absolutely nothing other than flat land and sparse bushes. I kind of knew that it would be like that, but not the entire way! It was a relief when we entered the bus terminal in Puerto Madryn. The wind was absoluely whippin´! We quicky walked to the hostel and booked the whale watching tour to Peninsula Valdez.

Everyone piled into the van and we set of to Puerto Pyramides. The first stop was a beach about 20K up the coast where we were able to see mother whales with their calves. They were so close (about 20 meters away)! The rest of the trip ended being a dud since the wind had not dies and the seas were really rough. However, you could see whales everywhere along the coast! Although we didn´t ride on the zodiac out to the bay, the tour exceeded my expectations. Once back, it was on the bus to Bariloche. The weather report was promising and I could feel the fire inside me starting to burn hotter. Freshies...Here I come.

Jon and I had the most expensive dinner do date in Argentina. It was well over 2X what Jane and I payed for our final meal together in Lima! My backpackers buget is beat up and bloody!

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