Saturday, June 6, 2009

Shifty eyes

I've stumbled into another world.

I left my normal coffee shop haunt and drove a couple miles north to the M street Starbucks just to the north of my neighborhood. I'm here to meet someone to discuss jobs at Raytheon. She's running late. Now you would think that in two miles, the clientele would not be that much different than those of the Lakewood Starbucks. However, I'm sitting here with a case of shifty eye checking out all the people in this place. While the Lakewood shop has a mix of wealthy country club goers, bearded musicians, and young hipsters, the M street shop is exclusively middle aged upper middle class folks. I'm overwhelmed by how loud people talk as if they want you to hear their conversation about all the unique and interesting things they have done. I wish they would just shut it.

The other thing I noticed are all of the creepy shifty eyed men checking out the ladies in the coffee shop. I never really noticed it before since I don't spend too much time hanging out for long. They are hiding behind their New Yorkers and NYTs but passing a glance whenever a new face walks in. I think I'm turing into one of those guys myself.

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